didi Franchising – Episode 2 – How didi Rugby Supports Franchisee Success: A Network Built for Growth

At didi rugby, we are deeply committed to the success of each of our franchisees. We know that the journey from starting your own business to building a thriving franchise is one filled with challenges and opportunities. That’s why we have developed a support system that offers the guidance, tools, and community needed to grow, thrive, and achieve success. In this article, we’ll explore how didi rugby supports franchisees every step of the way.

Comprehensive Support System

One of the key pillars of didi rugby’s success is our comprehensive support system. From the moment someone decides to become part of the didi family, we provide structured training and ongoing assistance to make sure our franchisees are confident and equipped to run their business. Our training program covers everything from session delivery to marketing, customer relations, and financial management. We believe that a well-prepared franchisee is a successful franchisee.

But our support doesn’t end with training. We provide ongoing mentoring and hands-on guidance, ensuring that franchisees never feel like they’re alone on their journey. Our franchise team is always available to answer questions, help solve challenges, and provide advice to make the franchise experience as rewarding as possible.

The RFU Framework: A Solid Foundation

Our association with the Rugby Football Union (RFU) is another cornerstone of the support we offer to our franchisees. The RFU framework sets the foundation for how we work with younger players, ensuring that our franchisees are using the best techniques, practices, and approaches to help children develop key skills in a fun and supportive way. This affiliation gives our franchisees the credibility of being aligned with one of the most respected rugby bodies, helping to build trust with parents and communities.

Franchisee Satisfaction and Community

Being a didi rugby franchisee is about more than just running a business; it’s about being part of a community. The strength of our franchisee network lies in its supportive culture. Franchisees often describe the network as one big family—where members actively help each other, share insights, and celebrate successes together. This camaraderie is a significant part of why didi rugby franchisees report such high satisfaction rates.

Our annual Buzz survey results speak volumes about the happiness and satisfaction of our franchisees. In 2023, we recorded an 89% satisfaction rate among franchisees, highlighting the value they see in being part of the didi network. This ongoing feedback allows us to continuously improve our support offerings and tailor our resources to meet the needs of our franchisees.

BFA Membership: Credibility and Support

We are proud members of the British Franchise Association (BFA), which is the gold standard for ethical franchising in the UK. Our BFA membership adds an additional layer of credibility to the didi rugby brand and provides valuable resources to our franchisees. This membership means that we adhere to the highest standards of franchising and that our franchisees can have confidence in the transparency, quality, and ethics of our business practices.

Tailored Growth Strategies

At didi rugby, we understand that every community is unique. That’s why we work closely with franchisees to tailor growth strategies that align with their specific local context. Whether it’s identifying the best venues, connecting with local schools and nurseries, or marketing to parents in the community, our franchisees have access to expert advice and tailored plans that maximize their success.

We also provide marketing materials, social media strategies, and local campaigns to help franchisees raise brand awareness and attract new families to their sessions. By helping franchisees connect with their communities, we ensure they have the foundation needed to grow sustainably.

A Culture of Encouragement and Celebration

Success is something we love to celebrate at didi rugby. We make it a point to recognize and reward the hard work of our franchisees. From sharing success stories across our network to highlighting franchisees in our online channels, we believe that celebrating wins keeps everyone motivated and inspired. This culture of encouragement is at the core of what makes being part of didi rugby so special.

Final Thoughts

At didi rugby, our franchisees’ success is our success. We are here every step of the way—from initial training to long-term growth and development. With a strong support system, our contribution to the early years guidelines of the RFU, a committed community, and the credibility of BFA membership, we ensure that our franchisees have everything they need to thrive.

If you’re interested in joining a franchise that’s dedicated to your growth and success, didi rugby is ready to welcome you into our family.

didi Franchising – Episode 1 – Franchisee Spotlight: Transforming Lives with didi rugby

didi Franchising - Episode 1 - Franchisee Spotlight: Transforming Lives with didi rugby

didi Franchising - Episode 1 - Franchisee Spotlight: Transforming Lives with didi rugby
Franchisee Spotlight: Transforming Lives with didi rugby

At didi rugby, we are proud to share the inspiring stories of our franchisees—individuals who have embraced the opportunity to combine their passion for working with children and sport into a rewarding business venture. One such individual wasn’t actively looking for a career change when they first heard about didi rugby. They had a stable job as a nursery nurse, but often found themselves yearning for something more—something that would allow them to make a bigger impact. Becoming a didi rugby franchisee transformed not only their career but also positively impacted every aspect of their life.

Why did They Choose didi Rugby?

The appeal of didi rugby was immediate for them. Our commitment to teaching children aged 18 months to 6 years the fundamentals of rugby in a fun, supportive environment resonated deeply. With their background in early childhood education, they recognized the value in didi rugby’s approach—focusing on building confidence, physical skills, and social development in young children. This unique opportunity allowed them to combine their expertise in early childhood development with their love for sport.

The thought of running their own business, creating a flexible lifestyle, and making a tangible difference in children’s lives was incredibly exciting. However, like many, they had their reservations about taking such a big leap.

The Leap of Faith

Leaving a secure job to venture into business ownership isn’t an easy decision, but the support offered by the didi rugby franchise network gave them the confidence they needed. From the beginning, our team provided thorough training, guiding them through every step of the business process—from marketing and session delivery to customer relations and financial management. They weren’t left to figure things out on their own, and that level of support reassured them they had made the right choice.

Hearing other franchisee stories—people just like them who had taken that leap and found immense personal and professional satisfaction—also helped alleviate their fears. Knowing they had a network of fellow franchisees to lean on for advice and support made all the difference.

Transforming Their Career and Lifestyle

Running their own didi rugby franchise has been an incredible journey for them. Not only have they gained the freedom to structure their work around their personal life, but they have also built strong relationships with the children and families in their community. Watching children grow in confidence, develop new skills, and make friends through rugby has been one of the most rewarding experiences of their life.

The benefits aren’t just limited to the children. As a franchisee, they have grown immensely both personally and professionally. They’ve developed new skills in leadership, marketing, and business management that they never imagined mastering. Running a franchise has given them a sense of ownership and purpose that their previous career didn’t provide.

On a personal level, the flexibility of being their own boss has been life-changing. They can balance work with family commitments, pursue hobbies, and take time off when needed. This freedom has brought them a level of fulfilment they hadn’t previously experienced.

Best Moments: Seeing the Impact on Families

One of their most memorable moments as a didi rugby franchisee was when a parent approached them after a session to share how much didi rugby had changed their child’s attitude towards sport. The child, who had always been shy and hesitant in group activities, had blossomed into a confident, eager participant. Hearing how didi rugby made a real difference in that child’s life was incredibly touching—it was a reminder of why they chose this path.

This is just one of many success stories. Every day, our franchisees see children come out of their shells, make friends, and develop not only physical skills but also essential life skills like teamwork, communication, and resilience. Knowing that they are part of this positive change keeps them passionate about what they do.

Advice to Potential Franchisees

For those considering becoming a didi rugby franchisee, their advice is simple: take the leap. The support, training, and sense of community within the didi rugby network are second to none, and the personal and professional rewards are invaluable. This is not just a business opportunity—it is a chance to make a real difference in children’s lives and build something meaningful.

Becoming a didi rugby franchisee has given them more than just a new career. It has given them a purpose, a lifestyle, and a network of like-minded individuals who share their passion for sport and child development. If you are looking for a way to combine your love for rugby with a rewarding business opportunity, didi rugby might be the perfect fit for you too.

Final Thoughts

The journey with didi rugby has provided them with a unique platform to contribute to the local community, grow as a business owner, and achieve the flexibility and fulfillment they had always been searching for. If you are ready to transform your career and life, just like they did, didi rugby is the opportunity waiting for you.

Learn More About Becoming a Franchisee

If you are interested in joining the didi rugby family and becoming a franchisee, find out more about the opportunities we offer and how you can make a difference in your community.

Vicky Macqueen’s didi rugby Journey – Part 4: The Covid Battle

image of family playing didi rugby games in garden

Part 4 – The Covid Battle


image of family playing didi rugby games in garden

Its seems like quite a distant memory now, but as soon as I started looking back, the reality of life in that moment came flooding back..

The first memories of Italy and how bad the situation was over there was my first memory regarding didi rugby as reality hadn’t hit England but our Italian didi rugby pilot in Italy told us that classes were to stop and there was no way they could keep running them as the country was going into “lockdown” ! I think that was the first of many times that phrase was to be voiced and heard!  I remember seeing the footage of Italian hospitals and the overwhelm of the situation.. 3 weeks later covid hit us.. like a tonne of bricks! Lockdown number  1 … within 24 hours Denise (my mum and business mentor and co-worker ) has got us set up for online delivery.. it they couldn’t bring their little ones to class then we would bring didi rugby to their lounges, kitchens, gardens etc. The HQ team pulled together and got creative..  we were rolling up socks to create pretend balls.. using saucepans and washing baskets as goals, teddies as obstacles and part of our games… we became the “Joe Wicks” of didi rugby and all our coaches were delivering to the children in their classes .. I ran plenty of classes for children to log onto… and lots did!

The other massive memory for me was all the amazing work of my good friend and didi rugby ambassador Heather Fisher who delivered skills and story-time at 6:30 every week day evening over the two months … we posted children’s books to her home address and she would do some little skills with a ball or a rolled up pair of socks and lots of energy.. followed by a bedtime story. Sooo many children and their parents watched and got involved!  I will always be super grateful for Heather and the time she gave to support little ones and their families who were locked in at home  – offering everyone a glimmer of hope and support, and something exciting to get involved in and be a part of!

We also raised money for the NHS by holding live auctions of Heather’s Olympic kit she donated raising over £1000 👏👏

Other ambassadors jumped on board to make a difference – individual messages / videos of support… the likes of Nolli Waterman, Jodie Ounsley (Fury from the new Gladiators TV show  ) Mo Hunt to name a few! The fact that these great role models were putting the effort in to help all of us to deliver some good messaging was just phenomenal .. and shows the values and reputation of the country!

A lovely vision  for me was the James family from Hinckley, Leicestershire, Luke, Jo, Evie and Jack all taking part together in their driveway whilst I was delivering virtually.. playing games, laughing and joking with each other and getting fitter and  more skilful together as a family!

As we slowly came out of lock down.. there were various stages to coming back to real live classes … we got very creative with working in their “magic box” when social distancing was critical, children were able to practice lots of individual skills, kicking, passing and catching to themselves..  listening to instructions and working on their individual fitness…

Great memories created bringing the didi rugby family together at a really difficult time…  it definitely brought us closer together as a group and we  feel we  made a big difference to families and their physical and  mental health.

Survive then thrive was our mantra! We said that right from the start and it really was our “go to” phrase, and we truly believed in it individually and collectively! It stood us in good stead , we just needed to dig deep and  stick together!!

I can confidently say we absolutely did survive and now we are thriving as a team of franchisees countrywide! Very proud of the resilience and drive everybody showed to succeed in the chaos of covid! 💪🏉❤️🔥

#didifamily #fun #confidence #activity


didi Franchising

Vicky Macqueen’s didi rugby Journey – Part 3: Fun finding our founding franchisees

Part 3 – Fun finding our founding franchisees ! 


Recruitment was soooo exciting, travelling the country to meet new and exciting prospects mainly from the rugby family network initially.. just good people that really wanted to build something special for themselves,  their families and/ or their communities . This was a way of making a difference by doing something amazing , that could also create an extra income for doing something that you really enjoy! The phrase “it’s a win, win!” was always in my vocabulary..


One of our founding franchisees Craig Hunter and his business partner Donna Clark were an awesome addition to the didi family.. I still remember my first meeting with Craig at Reading RFC – he was still employed in IT and super desperate to leave the industry, but just needed to make the extra income to start reducing hours … I could really see a lot of me in Craig.. his energy, enthusiasm and desire to be successful was definitely within him, and he just needed to believe in his dream and go get it! Fast forward 6 years, and didi rugby Reading is still going really strong at the heart of the Reading community. Craig, Donna and their team have made a huge difference to the lives of so many children , parents and coaches .. one particular child Tommy will always stick in my memory as a huge success story.. Tommy who suffers from hypermobility syndrome and he really thrived at didi rugby physically, emotionally and socially – and the benefits his Mum talked about for her and the family also was huge! We brought Tommys Mum onto our podcast and there was an article to have a read through also.. I really feel Tommys story underpins the why behind didi rugby and the culture and values that underpin everything we do and why we do it!


Read Tommys story here


More and more franchisees followed and I started to feel we were making a difference to many young children and their families , but also we had created this machine that allowed people to start up their own businesses with our support to actually change their lives for the better, make a difference to others, and gain an additional income, that for some then became their full time role!


Collaboration with the RFU on the early years strategy was brilliant! Great to be recognised as the only rugby provider to be invited along to consult and help provide the knowledge, advice and experience we had to support the strategy.. was nice to be working with some of the professionals that I had come across in my playing and coaching career to date – the paper was published and campaign launched, and another big win to ensure that we had set the bar nice and high with all providers.. as it should be with young children and their families!


Friends and team mates past and present were all championing what was now a recognised brand in the rugby world … so many of our franchisees came to the business via the rugby network.. hearing great things about the business and it’s core values .. what’s nice is we will always remain true to our values .. even when it’s not the best financial decision for us .. morally and ethically didi rugby always does the right thing and this is super important to me and the HQ team!


Ros Wiggins in the Stone and Stafford area, Keith Smith of Cheltenham, Susan Appleby-Jones in the Gloucester area came on board and the business was flying!


We had an ever growing list of didi rugby ambassadors in Sarah Hunter MBE, Emily Scarratt MBE, Manu Tuilagi, Graham Rowntree, Sam Vesty , Natasha Hunt, George Chuter, Rosemary Conley CBE to name a few… all these people truly believe in what we were doing.. none of them were giving financial reward, they were just happy to be a part of our didi family and to champion the work we were doing around the country for the children, their families and also the coaching experiences we had created !


Listen to the podcast here with Sarah Hunter

Alex Matthews was an ambassador that then became a franchise owner for the Worcester area , allowing her to run a business alongside her professional rugby playing career. There is so much cross over with sport and business and I have done lots of speaking in this field.. the key attributes to success are very similar across both. For me… drive , resilience and work ethic are the three key factors to running a successful business … this comes in abundance in a successful elite athlete who has represented their country!


We also managed to develop one of our coaches from assistant coach, to lead coach and then onto franchise owner . Jenny Burrows starting coaching for me in my local area, she assisted me initially but spotted her talent for coaching and managed to persuade her to take on her own classes . This quickly turned into huge enthusiasm and passion for didi rugby she wanted to take the next step. Jenny is now thriving with her didi rugby business which she runs along side her profession as an accountant!


By March 2020 we were a hugely successful franchise operation with 18 working franchises across the country – we had also piloted in Italy , New Zealand and Australia .. unfortunately as the World was about to shut down completely due to the Covid Pandemic – we were about to really test our spirit, resilience and resolve as a team – this is where we could really show our strength! 💪👌🏉


Watch out for Part 4 – The Covid Battle – to come!! 💪💪


didi Franchising

Vicky Macqueen’s didi rugby Journey – Part 2: The growth was incredible

Part 2 – The growth was incredible! 🏉💪

The one class turned into two classes, then three classes very quickly with parents and children enjoying classes, and sharing this information with their friends! Children were having fun and parents were seeing the benefits of didi rugby first hand.. the younger children (didi minis 18 months-3 years) were tired and having naps after classes, they were developing their physical motor skills, like balance and coordination, but also their understanding of colours, numbers , concepts of play and socialising with their peers!


Our philosophy was, and still is that each child will come out of every session having had fun, gained some confidence, and been physically active! We ensure this happens by making sure that all our didi coaches follow our mantra PACE , VARIETY and CHALLENGE .. my 13 years in education as a PE teacher/ Head of Department and a School Sports Coordinator.. allowed me to streamline and decide what is crucially important to little ones and their parents.


didi rugby is what I consider a win win for all parties… and there are lots of them!


Parents – give their children a fabulous social and physical experience.. and they have a 40 minute slot where they are fully committed to playing/engaging with their children


Children – have fun!! Exercise which makes them feel good (endorphins being released in their brains) , and learning to play, share and engage with other little ones


Coaches – get paid to enjoy coaching, and feel a really sense of achievement seeing huge progress in little didi stars each session


Assistant Coaches – gain valuable experience and training towards being a Head Coach – didi creates the opportunity for coaches to reach their potential as well as the children


didi rugby Ambassadors – the opportunity to “give back” and inspire little ones with video messages and competition give always to encourage little ones to see them as real role models…


Very quickly our classes trebled in volume .. within a 5 mile radius .. we had 9 classes running within 6 months of starting the programme in Hinckley and Burbage . Working closely with Matt Cropp and Denise McCormack (my Mum) … the magic number was 30 classes and Ben and I went on a mission to bring didi rugby to every child we possibly could… our model has now extended from weekend classes to schools/nurseries and mid week classes across the county of Leicestershire .. we also started delivering birthday parties.. and within 1 year we hit the magic number of 30 classes (which included schools, nurseries and regular classes) … at this point – we revisited our plan .. can we lift this model and put it somewhere else in the country with the same success? The only way to find out was to pilot it and that’s what we did in Hertfordshire.. under the capable eyes of James Nolan – a former NZ representative junior player along with a great coaching background .. his postman role enabled him to start up and grow the business . He gave us the confidence and the confirmation that the model was viable – along with a lot of number crunching and expert advice our franchising model was born! Now it was to find our very own Franchise Manager in Sanchia Delacy.. a childhood friend of mine who had been closely monitoring our progress.. as a former car director of Franchisees in the corporate world she quickly turned her experience there into an incredible resource for didi rugby to start our franchising journey … and like they say the rest is History!


Martin Crowson – former leicester Tigers journalist for local paper – also came on board who has been following our story from its conception and his journalistic background and marketing experiences, gave us a brilliant social media presence and had a knack for sharing lovely stories of our didi rugby stars, parents and coaches and managed to capture our super family feel .


We were able to show successful businesses that were thriving with the didi rugby model at their fingertips… we had an amazing Head Quarters team in place and with the addition of our didi rugby Lawyer Andrew Forsythe and Leicestershire rugby referee… who gave us the legal support to ensure that we had the correct legal processes.. we were ready to Franchise!


It seems strange to put all that work and effort into a few paragraphs of text, but I know the blood, sweat and tears that went with this. The best successes came from realising mistakes and refining processes… every day was – and still is – a school day! The work from the whole team was phenomenal – from the Head of Franchising to our assistant coaches on the ground day to day  – I am so grateful to everyone who made sure that didi became the well oiled machine that it was … and at its heart was ensuring all children were having Fun , gaining Confidence and getting Active!


My next chapter was about to begin as I had left education as a Head of PE, and gone full time into didi rugby…. and now franchising of our model!  I kept up my elite coaching alongside this doing my level 4 RFU course to ensure that I kept my hand in the game at that level.  This was a really nice combination as the level 4 course was very much about strategic planning and process – leadership and management being huge in this… as well as going deep into  elite coaching and the philosophy around it.  My dissertation was on how culture and environment plays a key role optimising performance in elite sport.  The transferable skills from business to sport were so evident, so I really felt that I was developing Vicky the business woman alongside the elite sports coach… it was as always a WIN WIN!


didi Franchising

Vicky Macqueen’s didi rugby Journey – Part 1: Where it all began

Part 1: Where it all began 🏉👌

The concept of didi rugby (although unnamed at that point) was always in my brain niggling at me to do something about it, to make more of a difference to young people and their families.. the idea of getting physical activity and the enjoyment of sport and exercise to more people.

I had always felt a little bit trapped in a school as a PE teacher.. not enough children to influence.. too many levels of management to get ideas passed through… seeing the bigger picture and not being able to have enough influence over it!

Unfortunately or I actually now believe FORTUNATELY (sorry Mum and Phil I so know this time was hideous) I had a significant event happen to me to make me stop, reflect and reframe my life direction! In November 2013 necrotising fasciitis came into my life and nearly took my life away! In a nut shell … I got an infection that meant one day I had what felt like a bruised shin bone, 36 hours later I was fighting for my life and my leg in intensive care !

In summary.. I nearly died, was 12 hours from a leg amputation and I was told the only reason I survived was because my heart was fit and strong.. so that day, everything changed! I had two little boys at home, a 4 month old and a 20 month old who were my world 🌎, a husband, and parents who were trying to hold it all together at home, and I realised what was important – family and a bigger purpose to help more people to be fit and healthy, so no one would die from infections that they should be able to fight! Everyone should be educated and encouraged to be fit and healthy from an early age…  “didi rugby” had been born!

I kept visiting this in my mind.. researching around early years learning, reading around and interviewing key influencers around the subject of children and physical activity… I was at the time working as a PE teacher (Head of Physical Education) but also a School Sports Coordinator working with primary aged children in sport. This just cemented my vision that we needed to influence these children much younger than primary school , and actually educate and support parents to install these values and habits earlier in life.. 18 months or steady on their feet was the key to starting on the didi journey! didi sports was always the umbrella but I knew that to get didi out there it was through the tool of rugby we needed to utilise to do it – my PE teacher hat, being a Mum, ex England international rugby player and level 4 rugby coach all pointed towards rugby being the key driver. My youth and young adult life was filled with rugby, and the life it gave me in terms of fitness and health, personal achievement, travel, life long friendships was incredible.. I wanted more people to experience a taste of this.

I was extremely fortunate to have a few key people who gave me the confidence to get going on my didi rugby dream… My Mum – recently retired business woman and formerly in education, my husband who supported me to reduce my hours at work and follow my dreams, and Matt Cropp a good friend and local successful businessman who went in on the business with me providing me with the business acumen I needed to get going! Along with these guys.. an amazing network of friends and family who supported the journey.. encouraging me and sharing the concept far and wide.. I even practiced sessions with my friends children in the garden at mine – with permission to borrow them I should add. A first ever photo shoot with Max and Harry, and Matt’s two boys Preston and Myles (with Vicki Cropp on camera duty) inspired us to sit down and finally go for it – a conversation over a drink and a few notes on beer mats at Hinckley cricket club gave us the final push we needed to get going…

My young boys Max and Harry (now 11 and 10 years old) were the biggest didi rugby ambassadors- and  I truly believe that all the time we spent on didi rugby.. in terms of their  physical literacy and development, as well as social skills and learning to work with others.. 100% enabled my two to be the well rounded, sporty , bright kids that they are… Leicester City academy for my oldest boy with high performance in his SATs at end of key stage 2, and Hinckley Rugby Football, many on stage acting performances, and a very bright button for my youngest who absolutely loves to learn.

Oh yes I meant to say the name of didi rugby came from my swimming as a youth in the “Nuneaton diddy swimming league” under 12s competition … great memories of these times – didi meaning small meant a great name for 18 months – 6 years old !

In May 2015 didi rugby was officially born.. didi rugby Matt Cropp and my Mum Denise McCormack were behind me 100% working on the business start up, and Ben Avent my Redmoor colleague and rugby mate was in it from the start , assistant coaching with me .. so both of us as coaches, 8 children and  based in the old clubhouse at Hinckley RFC was, and still is, the original home of didi rugby !

didi rugby was born! 🏉❤️🙏

See you soon for part 2!

didi Franchising

didi rugby Wales Embarks on a Thrilling New Chapter Under Alun and Lydia Rise’s Leadership

didi rugby Wales Alun and Lydia Rise

didi rugby Wales is excited to announce its relaunch, now under the dynamic stewardship of Alun and Lydia Rise. This new phase promises to build on the strong legacy of excellence set by former leader Jaz Joyce, focusing on nurturing children’s development through the joy of rugby.

didi rugby Wales Alun and Lydia Rise

Alun and Lydia Rise, known for their boundless enthusiasm and extensive experience in rugby, education, and operations management, are set to redefine didi rugby’s impact across Wales. Alun, a WRU level three coach with a history of managing the WRU Welsh Exiles program and serving as academy manager at London Welsh, brings a depth of rugby knowledge and coaching acumen. Lydia complements the team with her expertise in rugby operations and business management, adding a robust operational dimension to the franchise.

The relaunch under Alun and Lydia is more than just a continuation of didi rugby Wales; it’s a celebration of the values and foundations laid down by Jaz Joyce. Their commitment to enhancing the overall experience for young players is evident. They aim to foster skill development, teamwork, and a love for the sport, ensuring that the essence of rugby is enjoyed by all.

As didi rugby Wales turns this new page, the community is invited to join in the excitement. Alun and Lydia Rise are committed to nurturing not only the physical skills of young players but also their mental well-being. They envision didi rugby Wales as a transformative platform where every child can grow, learn, and excel.

The Rise duo’s leadership marks an exciting era for didi rugby Wales. Families and children across the region are encouraged to be a part of this adventure, where the transformative power of rugby will continue to inspire and develop young minds and bodies.

With Alun and Lydia Rise at the helm, didi rugby Wales is poised for a bright and impactful future, staying true to the spirit of rugby while innovating and elevating the experience for the next generation of players.

didi Franchising

Kickstart a Joyful 2024: Add extra income to your household with a didi rugby franchise!

The road to financial freedom with a didi rugby franchise

As the year 2023 winds down, it’s time to think about new beginnings and what better way to start 2024 than by embracing a business opportunity that brings not just financial gains but immense joy and fulfilment? Owning a didi rugby franchise offers a unique chance to make a tangible difference in your community while embarking on an exciting entrepreneurial journey.

The road to financial freedom with a didi rugby franchise

What is didi rugby?
didi rugby is a well-established brand in the world of children’s sports, focusing on introducing rugby to children aged 18 months to 6 years. Founded by former England international Vicky Macqueen, didi rugby’s mission is to inspire and nurture children through this dynamic sport. The program emphasizes fun, safety, and inclusivity, making it a popular choice among parents who want their children to develop physical skills, confidence, and a team spirit.

Why a didi rugby Franchise?

  1. A Growing Market: The demand for quality children’s sports programs is on the rise. Parents are increasingly recognizing the importance of early physical education, and didi rugby is perfectly positioned to meet this need.
  2. Comprehensive Support: As a franchise owner, you’ll receive extensive support from the didi rugby team. This includes training, marketing guidance, and operational advice, ensuring you have all the tools necessary to succeed.
  3. Community Impact: Owning a didi rugby franchise allows you to have a profound impact on your local community. You’ll not only be promoting physical health among children but also helping them develop social skills and a sense of fair play.
  4. Flexible Business Model: Whether you’re looking for a full-time business or a part-time venture alongside your current job, a didi rugby franchise can be tailored to suit your lifestyle. This flexibility is ideal for those seeking a better work-life balance.
  5. Brand Recognition: With the backing of a recognized brand like didi rugby, you’ll have an immediate head start. The brand’s established reputation will help in attracting clients and setting up your business.
  6. Rewarding Experience: There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of watching children grow and develop. As a didi rugby franchise owner, you’ll play a crucial role in fostering young talent and instilling a lifelong love for the sport.

How to Get Started
To learn more about this exceptional opportunity and to find out how you can become part of the didi rugby family, visit didi rugby’s franchising. Here, you’ll find all the information you need to embark on this rewarding journey. Remember, it’s not just about adding an income stream; it’s about bringing joy and purpose to your life and the lives of countless children.

A didi rugby franchise is more than a business; it’s a community, a family, and a chance to make a lasting impact. As we look forward to 2024, seize the opportunity to be at the forefront of children’s physical and personal development. Join the didi rugby family and make a difference!


didi Franchising

A Day in the Life of a didi rugby Franchisee: Embracing the Joy of Rugby and Children’s Growth

Ever wondered what it’s like to be a didi rugby franchisee? Step into the world of our passionate franchise owners, where every day is filled with excitement, laughter, and the fulfilment of helping young children discover the joy of rugby and life skills.

  • Mornings, Boundless Energy

For didi rugby franchisees, each day begins with boundless energy and enthusiasm. They wake up knowing that they are about to embark on a journey that will impact the lives of children in their community. Their mornings are dedicated to planning and preparing for the day’s classes, ensuring that every session is fun, engaging, and tailored to the needs of their young participants.

  • The Heart of didi rugby: The Classes

The heart of a didi rugby franchisee’s day lies in the classes themselves. As they gather with eager young faces, the franchisee becomes not just a coach but a mentor and role model. They lead activities that teach rugby skills in a way that is playful and age-appropriate, all while fostering values like teamwork, respect, and self-confidence.

The reward? The laughter of children, the thrill of a well-executed pass, and the sense of pride as they watch their little rugby stars grow not only in skill but also in character.

  • Connecting with Families

In between classes, didi rugby franchisees take time to connect with parents and caregivers. They understand that building trust and forming strong relationships with families is essential. These conversations are a chance to share the progress of each child and provide guidance on how parents can continue to support their development at home.

  • Lunch Break and Team Support

Lunchtime offers a brief pause for franchisees to recharge and connect with fellow franchise owners. The didi rugby community is a tight-knit one, where support and camaraderie are always on the menu. They share experiences, offer advice, and cheer each other on.

  • The Afternoon Session and Future Dreams

The afternoon brings more didi rugby sessions, each one as rewarding as the last. It’s a time for franchisees to witness the growth and development of the children they serve, and it fuels their passion for what they do.

As the day draws to a close, franchisees reflect on the impact they’ve made and the bright future ahead. They know that they are not just teaching rugby; they are helping shape confident, resilient, and active young individuals.

  • Join the Journey

If the idea of a day filled with rugby, laughter, and making a difference appeals to you, consider becoming a didi rugby franchisee. Join us in this fulfilling journey and be a part of the didi rugby family. Discover more about the didi rugby franchise opportunity and how you can bring the joy of rugby to children in your community. Visit our Franchising page to learn more and take the first step towards your own didi rugby franchise.

Every day in the life of a didi rugby franchisee is a testament to the power of sport, community, and the boundless potential of children.


didi Franchising

Maxine Edwards Brings didi rugby to Biggin Hill with Inaugural Classes at Darwin Leisure Centre

Biggin Hill, UK – The Darwin Leisure Centre in Biggin Hill is set to become a hub of youthful energy and sporting enthusiasm as it hosts it’s first ever didi rugby classes, led by none other than the esteemed Maxine Edwards, on January 7, 2023. This marks a significant expansion of didi rugby’s presence in the area, offering young children a unique opportunity to engage in this dynamic sport.


Maxine Edwards, a name synonymous with rugby excellence, brings over 25 years of experience in the sport to these classes. Her illustrious career includes playing for notable clubs such as Bromley, Blackheath, and Saracens, and she has also graced the rugby field as an England player for more than 15 years. Maxine’s dedication to the sport was further recognized when she captained the England rugby team for two years.

Away from the rugby field, Maxine has been an influential figure in education, with over 18 years of teaching experience in a secondary school setting. This combination of sporting expertise and educational insight makes her an ideal mentor for young aspiring athletes.

The launch of didi rugby classes at Darwin Leisure Centre is not just a testament to Maxine’s commitment to the sport but also reflects her desire to give back to the community. These classes are designed to introduce children to the fundamentals of rugby in a fun, safe, and inclusive environment. The program focuses on developing skills such as teamwork, respect, and discipline, which are invaluable both on and off the pitch.

Maxine’s role as the franchise owner for the Bromley area and her impressive credentials are set to inspire a new generation of rugby enthusiasts. Her approach is expected to resonate particularly well with young learners, fostering a confident and supportive learning environment.

Parents and children in Biggin Hill and surrounding areas are eagerly anticipating the launch of these classes. With Maxine at the helm, the Darwin Leisure Centre is poised to become a vibrant center for youth rugby, shaping the future of the sport in the region.

For more information and to register for the classes, click here. This initiative promises to be the beginning of an exciting new chapter in Biggin Hill’s sporting narrative, under the expert guidance of Maxine Edwards.


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