Spaces created in Hinckley and Burbage didi classes as graduates move up to tag rugby

Spaces have become available in didi rugby Midlands classes based in the Hinckley and Burbage area after a number of stars have graduated to club tag rugby.

In Burbage at Millennium Hall, half a dozen places are up for grabs after a group of six-year-olds moved up to play for their local clubs.

While at Hinckley Leisure Centre, there are some spaces for classes covering all three didi rugby age groups: 18 months to 3 years, 3 years to 4 years and 4 years to 6 years.

The classes on Wednesday and Friday mornings at the Leisure Centre give parents the opportunity to bring their kids to didi classes without it eating into their weekend.

While the Wednesday class at 3.45pm is an ideal after-school activity to get your children active and having fun.

Children enjoying didi rugby in Hinckley

Taster session

didi rugby’s Hinckley and Burbage classes have been busy for a long time and interested parents are invited to book a place for their children before the classes fill up (see links below).

Any newcomers to didi rugby are entitled to a free taster session to see if they like it before reserving a place.

didi rugby founder Vicky Macqueen still coaches many of the classes in this area and says she is always excited to send graduates off to play tag rugby.

“It’s always an amazing feeling to see didi stars move up from our eldest age group and onto local clubs to continue their rugby journey,” she said.

“It sometimes brings a tear to my eye because I am so happy that they are continuing to play the game but also because I will miss having them and their parents around at class time.

Parents welcome

“When that happens, it does create spaces in our class though and so we are really excited to meet and have fun with anyone who wants to come and give didi rugby a try.

“We make children and their parents very welcome and the free taster session is there to help parents – and children – decide if they want to come back again. We are very confident that they will want to do so.”

There are also very limited places available at didi rugby Midlands classes on Saturdays at Hinckley Rugby Club and the St Francis Centre, Tudor Road, Hinckley.

Contact for further information or book a free taster session online at our Find A Class page.